What’s New



Training of Facilitatators 2019 and 2020 Dates set

  Dates have been set for the next two years of The Art of Personal Leadership: Training of Facilitators! Details  for ToF 2019 and registration will be available later this spring.   2019 * opening dinner: Monday March 18th * closing: Saturday March 23rd  * follow-up plenary 1: Wednesday April 3rd, 10am and 4pm Pacific (2 . . . LEARN MORE

One Day of Engaging Ambiguity: April 5, 2018 in Berlin

– How a little step outside your comfort zone makes a big difference – Why Join Us: Developing the Leader Within You One of the biggest challenges all leaders face is leaving behind what has worked well in the past – at the right moment. Intentionally engaging ambiguity, at a time of our choosing, . . . LEARN MORE

Succession at PL

With pleasure and gratitude, we announce that operational leadership of PLSeminars is being transitioned from Sheila, Barbara, and Gordon (SBG) to Darlene, Katsuko, and Almendra (DKA). Darlene von Behrens, Katsuko Sugiyama, and Almendra Staff-Healey, three of PLSeminars Senior Facilitators, began holding deep-dive conversations in the spring of 2017 to explore what it might mean . . . LEARN MORE

Interview with CIEE’s Elsa Maxwell

CIEE, known worldwide for their extensive educational exchange programs, holds a General Business License with Personal Leadership. The membership includes use of PL prepared materials, including Facilitator Guides and coaching. Jacquelyn Reeves had a chance to chat with CIEE’s Elsa Maxwell, which we’ll present in two parts, here and in our winter newsletter. JR: . . . LEARN MORE

Featured Facilitator

Jacquelyn Reeves Position: Senior Intercultural Trainer, Unconscious Bias, Coaching Company name: Reeves3c (website under constructionQ!)  Seattle, Washington, USA Tell us about the context you’re using PL in. PL works for me on multiple levels:  I use it with college students in transition and live and learn through this experience.  Especially watching a newly hooked . . . LEARN MORE

Diamonds in the Soles of Our Shoes – Sheila Ramsey

‘Diamonds in the Soles of Her Shoes’ is the title of a Paul Simon song on his re-known Graceland Album, released in 1986. The inspiration for and reality within Graceland arose from a trip Paul took to South Africa to collaborate and co-create with musicians there. The resultant music was new. African musicians, such . . . LEARN MORE

PL Goes to Sea! Interview with Mary Meares by Jacquelyn Reeves

This newsletter we are pleased to have the opportunity to interview Mary Meares, PhD, Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Alabama.  Although not a Licensed Facilitator for PL, Mary initiated the use of PL at Semester at Sea, a study abroad program literally from a ship. Mary shares her teaching philosophy, . . . LEARN MORE

Featured Facilitator: Heather Robinson

Heather Robinson   Principal Consultant, Coach Success Across Borders   Seattle, Washington, USA   Tell us about the context you’re using PL in. The context I use PL in is my whole life. Within my “whole life” there are at least three spheres where PL plays a significant role: my personal PL practice, my . . . LEARN MORE

Training of Facilitators 2017 Photo Gallery

The first week of March was wonderful for the coaches and facilitators alike. Learn more about the Training of Facilitators here. Think you might be interested in the 2018 ToF? Add yourself to our mailing list here and we’ll let you know when the details are . . . LEARN MORE

Featured Facilitator: Almendra Staffa-Healey

Almendra Staffa-Healey Co-Founder & Director Intercultural Understanding Madrid, Spain Tell us about the context you’re using PL in. I’ve been using PL as a tool to increase intercultural competency and leadership skills. I’m passionate about the educational context and use it with parents, university students studying abroad, international educators, as well as with local . . . LEARN MORE

December 2016 Newsletter

Hello Dear Friends; Usually we try to make this a quick introduction to the PL news and more neutral in content; not focused on events here in the US as we know that you are located all over the globe.  However, we are taking a US-centric side track here as effects surrounding the Presidential . . . LEARN MORE

