December 2016 Newsletter
Hello Dear Friends;
Usually we try to make this a quick introduction to the PL news and more neutral in content; not focused on events here in the US as we know that you are located all over the globe. However, we are taking a US-centric side track here as effects surrounding the Presidential election are creating a nation-wide “Something’s Up.” Moreover, these election results will likely affect all, no matter in what part of the world we live. It can also be said that similar processes are underway across Europe and in Australia. There is something in this for all of us.
Many folks here are delighted at the outcome and many are very very dismayed. Is it helpful and informative to look at these current events through the lens of PL? Our answer is YES. So, what can we see?
We can see that many in the US media and those taking pre-election polls were quite surprised at the outcome; they were ‘caught off-guard,’ as the idiom goes. Did members of the media forget to actively ENGAGE AMBIGUITY? Under pressure to KNOW, to make insightful comments and when frankly having huge agendas, this can easily happen. Yet, how much more insightful and helpful could their comments have been had they been able to keep articulating ‘what if’ scenarios?
The positions and rhetoric used by the candidates both exposed and opened up deep polarities in many of us. Strong polarities can cloud our capacity to see what is going on, to reveal unseen possibilities. Did we all forget that what triggers us in another is a call to look within for ways we embody that very same behavior or opinion? Did we neglect to go inward, perhaps using the CMD or equivalents, to unpack our JUDGMENTS, EMOTIONS and PHYSICAL SENSATIONS and to discover the root causes of our own polarizing reactions? This allows us to unpack any provoking situation so we may more fully and clearly see our part, stepping then into whatever right action may be, even now, called for.
How many of us did not vote or thought that it did not matter who we voted for? Had many of us had fallen asleep, forgetting that what we do, even more what STATE we are in, has significant impact on others around us? Had we become accustomed to the trap of blaming others for that which we do not wish to take full responsibility?
Going forward, this well may be a time challenged by chaos, heated emotions, strong personalized agendas, polarization and confusion. Certainly, there is now an even stronger call to reach, as PL says, for our own HIGHEST AND BEST. This matters. We all know HOW to do this; let’s join together to remember and DISCERN RIGHT ACTION.
And let us continually acknowledge the wide river of gratitude we hold for this marvelous gift of live that inseparably connects us all.
With love and blessings
Sheila, Barbara and Gordon
In person:
March 6-12, 2017
Whidbey Institute,
Whidbey Island, Washington, USA
Earlybird Savings when you register by December 15, 2016
The PL Training of Facilitators Seminar is an opportunity to strengthen your ability to facilitate any and all learning events which directly teach PL or in which you infuse the PL principles and practices. As we all know, systemic change begins first and foremost with how we show up. Being in full presence may well be our most powerful offering, the difference that truly “makes a world of difference” as we design and lead learning events that we care so deeply about. AND, being in full presence is what PL is all about. Join us to enrich your capacity to bring your highest and best to your expertise as designers and facilitators.
The PL TOF is intended for experienced designers and facilitators. It offers significant professional enrichment in the personally rejuvenating setting of beautiful Whidbey Island.
Wondering if ToF is for you?
Read about the PLSeminars approach to training facilitators here.
Ready to register? Just head over to Eventbrite.
Adam Holden , Civic Engagement Coordinator, Chemeketa Community College, Salem, Oregon USA
Why PL? Adam replies:
“Courage/readiness + self-honesty/mindfulness + freedom of choice/creativity = self-discovery, self determination, resilience, interdependence, liberation
The power is in the self-discovery and self-determination. Students are not being told what to do because they are telling themselves what to do.”
This is a purpose that fully engages and energizes Adam as he teaches in the most racially diverse community college in Oregon. He guides students aged 16-75 from a wide range of income levels, including homeless students, those with differing abilities, LGBTQ, veterans, international students, and, as he says, “the list goes on.”
About the effects of such diversity, he says: “This diversity becomes complex for, when in one classroom, it is enormously challenging to bring everyone along together without leaving some behind or some bored with what they might consider a slow pace. My PL practice has, for many years, helped me maintain resilience AND the belief that it is possible to teach myself how to teach them.”
In the last two years Adam began incorporating PL into leadership classes. For example, he offers PL as the:
- foundation of the two-credit Leadership through Mentoring course, training and supporting college student mentors mentoring youth ages 11-17 as well as for a two credit Leadership Development course
- major piece of the preparation and training provided to student government representatives and other student leaders in his department
- topic of statewide student leadership conference presentations
- focus for the professional development of student services staff who supervise teams of student employees as well as for advisors and counselors on campus
- Title IX Campus Advocates group tasked with serving students involved in sexual misconduct situations.
Any great PL facilitator both teaches PL directly, when appropriate, and always is personally practicing. Adam is an inspiring model:
“The more I teach and use PL the deeper my understanding of it becomes, which only motivates me to keep going even further. Just last night I was re-reading the ‘What State Are We In?’ handout from the ToF binder and the ‘Choosing Our Internal State of Being’ section of the PL book. Only now do I feel like I better understand the true importance and deeper value of these ideas to the overall power of PL. I think part of this is because I now have enough life experience using PL and have actually become more competent at being able to authentically move myself into expanding emotional states on a regular basis. For some reason it finally really clicked for me last night and it has shown in my facilitation today. Thank you for creating this!”
Thank YOU Adam as YOU, all PL facilitators, and what YOU ALL embody and create, are continuing to make this an enlivening creation.
Becoming a walking CMD – Sheila Ramsey
Increasingly, over the past years as I have worked with highly placed leaders in the worlds of international development and in corporations, I am pressed to offer both solace and practice for times when the going gets tough right in the middle of the fire. That is, in
the fire of diplomatic negotiations, resolving team conflicts, decision making under the pressure of no time to decide. And perhaps all this is happening while walking down the hall between meetings or when sitting in front of a supervisor not at all happy with current performance.
In sum, there is no time to find a quiet place to work through a particular ‘Something’s Up’ using the PL CMD in any standard way at all. What does this suggest?
For me, beginning to know how to offer anything useful to those in such situations has always begun with looking at my own practice. I look to discover what has worked for me in similar times, then I translate this into what can be shared that speaks to the call I am hearing. This insures that any response I have is real, true and possible rather than some idealistic platitude that only serves to irritate.
SO, if I might let me offer a personal example.
September, 2016. A dear colleague and I are beginning a 2.5 day leadership session for all people managers of one of the largest research/ educational institutions in the world. Past sessions have gone amazingly well and despite long days, I am not physically tired in any way. Enter a new group of participants; I see two highly positioned people, in finance no less! This means they approve my fees and payments!
A few minutes after I see these two, I began to sense a different but familiar energy coming over me; as if a veil. I am getting uncomfortable, feeling tiredness and some anxiety arising. This is clearly not the state I wish to be in! I tell my colleague that I need to disappear for a few minutes and step out into the hall. I find an empty alcove and close my eyes and move into pure allowing, with no resistance at all. “What are you? You are welcome here.” Images arise. I see myself as a very young girl aware of feeling unsafe. There is someone who is scaring me and I begin to ‘turn on’ my abilities to pay special attention to that person, to negotiate a relationship, any kind of relationship, that will please and make our connection more positive…that will create safety. “OK, I see you. Thank you. I do not need to pay attention like that anymore; I do not need to use this way anymore. Please leave; I am fine now.” And I open my eyes.
The veil, the tiredness and anxiety are gone, just gone, and I re-enter the room filled with the energy and attention that will allow me to really be present and attentive. All in less than 5 minutes. This is NOT a ‘fairy-tale or a ‘once-in-a lifetime’ experience. It is absolutely true.
What we like to say in the PL world is that I was able to BE a ‘walking CMD;’ able to engage the CMD in a gestalt, holistic way, on the move. I am quite sure that others of you have developed this same capacity. It is built over time and commitment, bit by bit. As one PL senior facilitator, Heather Robinson, says, “You don’t learn to downhill ski on the Black Diamond slopes; you get good on the easy slopes and then, when you need it in challenging situations, the skill is there.”Historically, in PL we have spoken about ‘leading self BEFORE leading others’ meaning that we must have our own inner worlds together first so that we can access our highest and best as a firm foundation from which we then serve others. Yes, this is true, and…
PL is an ever-dynamic process that is meant to be there when we have time and space to deeply reflect as well as to be there WHILE we are in the very midst of life. It, I strongly know, does the potential of PL a disservice, keeping it quite small, to give the impression that we must withdraw from interactions for however long it takes to go through all the CMD questions to receive the power of PL. Presented as the only way to use PL, this is often met with, “Well this is great but I just don’t have the time.” This is the way we must begin to learn PL, however it only is meant to open doors to a greater potential in the ways PL can serve.
If we choose to make a commitment to this level of possibility and transformation and if we go ‘all out’ in our practice of PL, we can become a ‘walking CMD’ embodying the teaching stories and the guidance that can as we all say, ‘Make a New World of Difference’ right in the midst of the fire.