Taruni Falconer, MEd
Melbourne, Australia
- Mindful leadership
- Optimizing productivity in multinational teams
- Coaching internationally mobile business leaders
- Enabling intercultural communication skills
- Business applications of PL framework
PL work
Taruni Falconer, MEd, has worked in corporate, education and government contexts in Asia, East Africa, the Middle East and Australasia. She is committed to facilitating bridging and connecting—to ourselves and with each other. This enables her clients to bring to their work their highest point of insight, and productivity.
Recent projects grounded in the Personal Leadership framework and technologies include the design and delivery of a six-month training program with staff in a Melbourne hospital. As a research project conducted in partnership with Latrobe University, the training had significant effects on Emotional Intelligence skills, on quality of care (both self-reported and resident-reported), and on wellbeing and psychological empowerment.
Additional recent projects applying Personal Leadership include workshops at international conferences on “Leading from the Inside Out”; and enlivening and deepening facilitation skills in workshops focused on “Facilitating from the Inside Out.”
Other work
Over the past 15 years Taruni has initiated intercultural training programs for client organizations in Australasia, South and East Asia and the Middle East. Clients have included major global corporations such as Toyota, Daimler Australia, Mars, Nestle, Tyco-Pentair, Laboratories Servier, Canadian Shipping Lines, Air New Zealand, and Telecom New Zealand.
Taruni has also created intercultural professional development courses for the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and for Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne. She has taught in both international schools and universities.
In 2001, in response to the changing cultural diversity of its people, she founded New Zealand’s first intercultural communication consulting and training company, Intercultural Dynamics Ltd.
Personal background
Taruni grew up in the bi-cultural country of Aotearoa (New Zealand), and has raised four sons on four continents. In addition to Australia and Aotearoa, Taruni has lived and worked in India, Yemen, Tanzania, and the USA.
She holds a Masters of Education, a BA and a Diploma in Teaching and is a long term Fellow at the Institute for Intercultural Communication, Portland, Oregon
Other interests
She is a credentialed meditation teacher with over 30 years of study and practice of yoga philosophy. Her attention is on the many ways that stillness practices promote clarity, focus, and compassion in our daily interactions in the world.