What We Offer


Each of these websites speak to some facet of the Personal Leadership practice. We find them inspiring and hope you do too.

EPIC: Essential Practice for Intercultural Competence

EPIC seamlessly integrates two acclaimed and complementary intercultural training methods, Cultural Detective® and Personal Leadership: Making a World of Difference®.

  • EPIC builds learners’ competence by leading them through a supportive roadmap to deep, swift, and lasting intercultural competence.
  • Because it is inherently developmental in its approach, EPIC serves learners at any level.
  • EPIC is a clear framework for simultaneously developing self-awareness, cultural literacy, creative bridge-building, and the insight of right action. As such, it can be a revelation for learners and organizations alike.

Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology

Berkana Institute: Whatever the problem, community is the answer

Institute of HeartMath: Expanding Heart Connections

International Institute for Transformation

Leadership Embodiment: Embody Possibilities

Pioneers of Change

Spiral Dynamics Integral: The Theory that Explains Everything

Zapchen Somatics: Life is not an emergency

